Comments on: Using Sauce for Zwift with Apple TV News, tips, and reviews for Zwift fanatics Sun, 17 Mar 2024 08:09:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lara Sun, 17 Mar 2024 08:09:25 +0000 In reply to Eric Schlange.

Top, understood! Thank you

By: Eric Schlange Sat, 16 Mar 2024 14:57:23 +0000 In reply to Lara.

I run my Apple TV signal through an Elgato capture card, which runs to my PC that is running OBS.

I have an Elgato HD60 S+, but the newer HD60 X is much cheaper and even more capable:

(My webcam and mic are also wired directly to the PC, BTW…)

By: Lara Sat, 16 Mar 2024 11:42:04 +0000 Hello Eric, could you please elaborate on how you manage to OBS the apple tv?
I would like to stream my races but my computer is not powerful enough to run zwift. I want to keep using Apple tv, to run OBS on the computer and find a way to stream the apple tv… Any idea on this?

By: Harry Legs Sun, 03 Sep 2023 12:01:47 +0000 In reply to Hendrik.

In other computer games it’s called ‘ghosting’ and it’s generally frowned upon.

On the legal side, all anyone (say an insurance provider, or a consultancy in a favourable jurisdiction that provides confidential advice to insurance companies) has to do is monitor the data that Sauce is scraping (e.g. via a side-channel) and they will have records on . Sauce is ‘legitimate’ traffic so this is the safest course to go undetected, but it would also be easy enough to use, for example, a bot like ZI uses to test routes to just patrol Zwift roads 24/7 and get data on all users. There are other ways too. Sauce makes them all easier and more legitimate.

So they could get ideas about how stressed anyone’s cardio/weight/strength etc etc is at any time or their weight or how things have changed over time. They could look for alarming patterns in HR changes.

This can be tied to Strava searches to find individual names easily enough. Plus if Zwift ever has a data leak showing usernames to actual names (or, say, credit card information as is more common) then any historical DB kept could be populated with that at will. So insurance companies or whoever would have a ‘score’ tied to your name you don’t know about in case they ever wanted to deny you coverage in the first place or raise your rates. If they are prepared to open the secret they could also retrospectively use it to contest/avoid paying out.

Nothing technically preventing any of that and it’s potentially a lot of money. So rest assured, it’s being done by someone.

By: Hendrik Sun, 03 Sep 2023 11:48:55 +0000 Unpopular opinion here: I think Zwift should ban Sauce from all races and/or provide the information from their HUD ingame. Seeing how close your competitor in a race is to blowing up (0 W’bal) is like having a wall hack in an egoshooter game. Most riders also never agreed to having their data displayed by Sauce for Zwift so there is a legal issue as well. If Sauce is tolerated by Zwift, it essentially means that Zwift subscriptions have become a bit more expensive since you need to pay for Sauce, too. Oh, and no, I don’t think Sauce is comparable to paying for other services (trainerroad, hexis, etc.) that improve your racing by training.

By: K. Velik Fri, 01 Sep 2023 16:08:45 +0000 In reply to Eric Schlange.

Thanks Eric!

By: Eric Schlange Fri, 01 Sep 2023 15:40:28 +0000 In reply to K. Velik.

Sure. The trial account still works (in terms of what S4Z needs) after 14 days, because it’s just used to query Zwift’s system and get data – it’s not used to ride. You just need a second account because of how Zwift works with allowing multiple logins from one account…

By: K. Velik Fri, 01 Sep 2023 11:02:32 +0000 I would really like to give Sauce 4 Zwift a try, but I’m not clear on opening a Zwift Free/Trial account, in effect, the trial account only lasts 14 days. So what happens after the 14 days? I haven’t tried opening the account yet as I’ve heard Zwift wants a credit card for the trial account. So, can anyone be super specific on how to open the trial account and what happens after the 14 days?

By: Eric Schlange Thu, 31 Aug 2023 18:29:44 +0000 In reply to soren friis.

Correct, it doesn’t overlay on your Zwift HUD on your TV.

It may be easier to use the PC/Mac… but it also may not. Some PC/Mac computers don’t run Zwift well, or people prefer ATV for its reliability/simplicity. The point of this post was simply to inform ATV users that there IS a way to access S4Z’s features… even if it’s a bit convoluted.

By: soren friis Thu, 31 Aug 2023 15:50:17 +0000 In reply to Eric Schlange.


Thanks for sharing 🙂

So it’s NOT working as a “HUD” (overlaying the zwift screen) on Apple TV screen?

I thought this was a fix for us ATV users to get the info up as a layer on our main screen, as I understand S4Z works on a PC/MAC

And if you need a separate PC/MAC – would it not be easier to only use the PC/MAC with the tv as an external screen? instead of running both ATV and the PC/MAC?
